10.4Mb Zip Archive Peff 008 – MSP Effects.rfl The percussive effects and ambient textures are based on the woodwind samples. REX loops by sonic mayhem Peff 006 -DR110 Loops.rflĢ4 bit Samples and Loops of the Boss DR-110. REXNoize Demo ReFill (#005)Ī collection of Subtractor Patches and Example Effect Configurations.

Peff 004 – ADFX Series 1.RFLĪnalog modular synthesizer Samples created with an EMS-VCS3 and Buchla 200. 37 individual notes are sampled and Mapped into NN19 patches. Multisampled TB-303 Square Wave Oscialltor ReFill. This ReFill contains the sample for creating a remix of my track, “Visions.” This track is still open for remixing! Peff 003 – 303 Square Bass.RFL This is a ReFill archive of the 12/2000 Subtractor patchs + a few bonus patches and a demo rns file.